Wispwrit Prompt #2 – Follow

Welcome to the Saturday #wispwrit Prompt

How to participate:

On Twitter:

Write a micro poem, micro fiction, or an original photograph inspired by the prompt and post it on twitter with #wispwrit.

On your blog:

Create a post with your poem, flash fiction, or original photograph inspired by the prompt. Make sure you link this post in your post and tag it with wispwrit.




#wispwrit #Writing #Challenge

For those of you who don’t know, over 3 years ago I started a Twitter writing prompt account “But A Moment” @wispwrit.

This was a one word prompt posted to inspire creativity.  I was, unfortunately, only able keep it going for a few months due to personal reasons (I now know it was because of my depression and OCD getting in the way).

But I am ready to get back into the writing community and I have started the #wispwrit challenge once again! For right now it is only on Saturdays, but I have a feeling I will add another day soon, as waiting a week for the challenge is killing me!

So how does this work?

Each prompt will consist of a word or idea meant to inspire you to write something. It can be micro poetry or micro flash fiction posted right on your twitter account. Make sure you create a new tweet with the hashtag #wispwrit.

Please don’t limit yourself to micro!

If you feel inspired to write something longer you can create a blog post (please create a pinback in the post so people know where the prompt came from), Then tag it with #wispwrit and share it on twitter!

Please be sure to follow @wispwrit to be alerted of new prompts.

I will also try to post them here for those who don’t have twitter to participate as well.


Not Your Average Princess #flashfiction


“Gooooood morning, and welcome to Fairy Tale Today. Our featured guest is the beautiful Princess Farah. Thanks for joining us, Princess.”

“Thank you, B.B. Wolfe. I’m glad to be here.”

“Now, we citizens of Ever After, are dying to know. What’s new?”

“Well, I was surprised to be asked to appear on your show, as I have only recently told The Royal Family. I’m going to be a traveling singer.”

“Um, I was talking about the wedding.”


“We heard about your run in with the prince. It’s the talk of the kingdom. Can you give us details of the encounter?”

“Ok……. I was out looking for a gift for my parent’s anniversary when a cart cut in front of me. The prince caught me before I could fall….


Audience:  “AWWWWWWW”


…… I said thank you and continued shopping.”

“Didn’t you fall in love?”

“LOVE?! I just met the guy.”

“When a prince and princess meet, it’s always love at first sight.”

“I don’t believe in love at first sight.”


Crickets: “Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.”


“Here in Ever After everyone does.”

“I know princesses are supposed to do what they’re told, learn the affairs of state and how to run a household, and take up needlepoint… but I love to sing. People stop at the sound of my voice. I am good at it and I want to share my gift with the world. If I was married I couldn’t do that. There is more out there than just the kingdom of Ever After. I want to…

“OK folks, that’s all we have time for today. Join us next time where we hear from a darling couple who were united by true love’s kiss. Have a good day and may you live Happily Ever After.”


© Caitlin Gramley


This little story was in response to last week’s prompt over at Microcosms – Mini universes in 300 words or fewer

The prompt theme was anniversary and you click the spinner and write a story with the three elements that appear. Mine were Composer/Musician|TV Studio| Fairy Tale.

The New contest prompt is up right now (Click HERE) Contest ends at 11:59pm EST/EDT (New York time) Friday, April 27th. (Contest runs for 24 Hours every Friday.) Feel free to check it out and participate!

A Sunday Bath

Stream (Public Domain)

Vanessa cringed when she heard the splash and giggles from behind. The short walk had turned into a two-hour trek. She turned, only to be greeted by the sight of two boys, now drenched from neck to toes. She mentally searched her van. Do I have anything to cover the seats?

“I told you boys to stay out of the creek. It’s too cold!”

“No it’s not!” The younger replied between chattering teeth.

“Look mom!” The oldest, now rolling on a bed of dry sand.

Breathe. Just Breathe.

“Boys will be boys, Dear.” Husband grinning ear to ear.


This Story is in response to April 19th: Flash Fiction Challenge or at Carrot Ranch Literary Community

You Said It Was Ok…


“No! How could you?”

“What? It’s just a bat.”

“Why would you kill it though? Bats are wonderful, mysterious creatures”

“No they are not. They are disgusting.”

“That’s your justification?”

“They are also annoying and ugly.”

“Anything else?”

“They are pests. They come into your house unwanted. They make noise.”

“So all those reasons make it ok to kill?”

“Yes. I just can’t stand to be around them. Killing them is just a public service.”

“Oh. Ok. Good to know”

“Hey, what are you doing with that shovel?”

“The way I see it, I’m…..doing a public service.”

“Wait! ……..”







Look at these adorable baby bats!!!!

Photo Credit: bordepanda.com




This bit of flash fiction is in response to April 12 Flash Fiction Challenge over at Carrot Ranch literary community.

The Prompt: “In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes a bat. You can use an association to the winged, cave-dwelling critter, or you can explore the word for other meanings. Bonus points for including a bat cave. Go where the prompt leads.”

*Disclaimer: I in no way condone the killing of people. This was just meant to be a light and humorous take on the prompt.

One Love, Forever.

Le Pre Lachaise cemetery, Boulevard de MŽnilmontant, Paris
Le Pre Lachaise cemetery, Boulevard de MŽnilmontant, Paris

“But Now I must sleep.”

“In the cemetery?” Cara shuttered, whether from the chill in the air or fear she couldn’t tell. Either way she did not want to stop here for any reason.

“It’s as good a place as any.” Peter sighed as he lowered his weary body to the soft earth.

“You can’t rest there. That’s someone’s grave.”

Peter ignored her and stretched out his limbs, lying on his back. Cara looked at the man in front of her, this man she barely knew. The day he walked into her small town was the day nothing else mattered. He was perfect in every way. His long dark hair, his tall stature. His skin seemed to glow in the sun.

Cara jumped from a sudden surge in her toes. Peter’s cool skin brushed hers as he slowly traced his hand over the delicate bones of her foot.

“This is what I want to remember, these moments with you. Uninterrupted by the world and its cruel ways.”

He always seemed to talk as if he was saying goodbye. Was he going to leave her? She sat beside him wanting to close the gap between them. As if reading her mind he pulled her down so that their bodies were as close as they possibly could be. The energy was undeniable, raging yet sad all at once. Why did it feel like an ending every time they were together?

“I will always love you,” He whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep with his hands still stroking her hair.

As the sun rose from behind the hill peter rose from his resting place, grimacing as his joints groaned in agony.

“Until later, my Love.”

Peter hobbled away, turning to look at the grave again.

Cara Moreau



This story got an honorable mention over at Microcosms. A big thanks goes out to the judge, Geoff Holme.

The Tea Party

CFFC Trophy


I woke up this morning to find out that my story WON over at Cracked Flash! Exciting!

Our story had to start with the following sentence:

Sometimes, people really are just useless.

I’ll put the judges comments at the end of the story. I must say, one thing that sets them apart from other competitions is that they are not afraid to point out things that need improvement. They had some very helpful critiques. I appreciate that. While I like hearing that my story was good, I also want to improve as a writer and if there is something I can do to make the story great, I want to know about it.

I must confess I really struggled with the 300 word limit. I had to make some deep cuts which did affect the desperation of the piece as Si pointed out.

So, here is the original story. I will work on it and post the revised version when I am satisfied. (That could take a while.)


The Tea Party

“Sometimes, people really are just useless. Cheese?”

“I’m sorry, what?” Clara stared at the strange man in front of her. A moment ago she was having tea with her boyfriend and listening to him talk about work. But this man was definitely not her boyfriend.

She closed her eyes for a moment.

“Would you like some cheese? It pairs well with your tea.” Reluctantly, she opened her eyes to see a big grin stretch across the stranger’s face farther than a grin should. A large hat dipped over his crazed eyes as they darted from her to the other guests at the table.

“Who are you? The Hatter?”

“Of course not, dear. The Hatter is a copyrighted name. You can call me Mr. Chapeau.”

“I’ll take some cheese,” Clara turned to see a rabbit sitting upright in a white gown.

“Where is Jason?”


“Jason, my boyfriend. Tall, dark hair, dorky tortoise shell glasses.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell. It’s my birthday you know,” the man with the hat said.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Clara jumped at the exclamation that rang out from a tiny mouse in a tea pot.

Did I fall down a rabbit hole? Where was Jason? He was just here.

“HEY!” She shouted over the loud singing that had commenced around her. “Please! Where is Jason!”

They all stopped and stared. She realized, now, that she was standing with a cheese knife held over her head. A small pinch in her shoulder made her go limp, falling into the arms of a strong woman.

“Take her to the holding cell.” A nurse said as she took a pencil from Clara’s fingers and walked out behind them. “Poor girl just can’t get over his death. Best keep her out of the common room for a while.”




Judges Comments:

Si: I loved the rambling, unexplained craziness of this story. No info dump, just bewildering weirdness until it’s all explained in the end. Of course she’s crazy!
Good clean dialogue and I liked the personalities of all the strange characters we come across. The disjointedness of the dialogue: “Doesn’t ring a bell. It’s my birthday you know,” works very well for setting the atmosphere of confusion that Clara finds herself in. One thing I would recommend is increasing the tension of the story just a little–make us feel not only Clara’s confusion, but also desperation. I liked the Alice in Wonderland references–good connection there!–familiar to the reader, but we don’t know where you’re going with it until the twist ending. Great job giving us just enough dialogue from the Nurse to get what’s going on, quickly setting the REAL scene. Favorite line: “Of course not, dear. The Hatter is a copyrighted name. You can call me Mr. Chapeau.”, very funny. We can really feel Clara’s bewilderment throughout the story! Excellent job!
Mars: “The Hatter is a copyrighted name,” got a chuckle out of me! The Alice-is-insane has been done before (though it’s Clara in this instance), but it’s usually not done with any sort of levity like this piece is. I appreciate the allusion to Disney’s Alice in Wonderland (though I’m going to have “Merry Merry Unbirthday” stuck in my head now); I am very fond of references.
Watch out for how names are juxtaposed next to dialogue–“‘I’ll take some cheese,’ Clara turned to see a rabbit” could infer that either Clara or the rabbit were speaking, particularly with the comma there that runs into her name. The problem occurs once more later, when the mouse yells from the tea pot.
The beginning of the piece was a nice touch; it utilized the prompt in a unique fashion by making it sound like idle small talk, then drew the reader’s (and Clara’s) attention with the question, “Cheese?” Nice job!

And She Does

On Friday everything changed. I was no longer the little girl my father adored. I was a bargaining chip, a promise for a deal.

My view of this world had finally been unveiled, reveling many shades of greed.

I looked at the man smiling in front of me. I could see his plans written in the corners of his mouth, reflected in the dark chocolate windows to his rotting soul.

As I said my vows in the room of silent witnesses, I made a secret one of my own.

One day I would kill this man, setting free the world.



This is the second (read first one here) story I submitted for the Flashverary contest over at Flash! Friday.

Our story requirements:

Must be exactly 100 words

Must start with “On Friday everything changed

A Tribute to Flash! Friday Fiction Competition

Flash!Friday had their Flashversary Competition this past Friday but it was also the very last FF contest…ever. I stumbled upon this site through another Flash Fiction Site  about ten months ago. Once I started competing I was hooked! These weekly competitions have helped me gain confidence in my writing and find my voice. I will be forever grateful.

Our story requirements:

Must be exactly 100 words

Must start with “On Friday everything changed


This is one of two ( read the second one here) stories I submitted.

On Friday everything changed. The last notes of a song rang out, beautiful words from stories past floated by in memories so strong that hearts swelled and eyes blurred.

This is not an ending but a transition. One that can be embraced with gusto. Courage was born here. Those who hid behind their words emerged and flourished, finding their true voices.

This is a place that will be forever in our hearts, a stepping stone that got us where we are today. And as we continue to move forward, we know that the friends we’ve gained will come with us.









Poetry/Writing Prompts – #wispwrit

Great news, followers!

Some of you that follow me on twitter may already know this but, I just started a new #poetry/writing prompt twitter account. You can find But A Moment @wispwrit.

I will be posting a one word prompt to inspire you to create something. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 9am EST.  While most people do micropoetry (140 character limit on twitter) you are also welcome to go further and create a longer work on your own blog and tweet the link. Not a writer? Do it in your own creative art or photography. Tag whatever you create with #wispwrit.

Not on twitter? Feel free to post it on your blog. Be sure to tag it with #wispwrit so I can stay conected.

These prompts are just for fun. No judging. They are meant to get you creating in your own unique way.

Each prompt will stay pinned to the top of the But a Moment profile page until the next prompt is posted. Thursday’s is still up so go take a look and be inspired!

Be sure to follow me @wispwrit and @RealMommaRamble

I will post the prompt on here too so that everyone can take part.