Dangerous Thoughts

photo by Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash


Sun meets the water

her dangerous thoughts linger

cheeks blush like the sky


sun kissed sea

cheeks blush like the sky





cheeks blush


Today’s poem was inspired by several prompts!

Three Line Tales

Wednesday’s Level UP Challenge

Haiku Month Challenge

Beth’s Dangerous Thoughts

Eugi’s “Blush

dVerse OLN

Everlasting Love

everlasting love

through sunshine or rain-

we wake up in the morning

and start the day new

©Caitlin Gramley


Today’s Haiku was written for Heeding Haiku with Chèvrefeuille on MLMM.

Also submitted for Open Link Night over at DVerse

Wispwrit Prompt #2 – Follow

Welcome to the Saturday #wispwrit Prompt

How to participate:

On Twitter:

Write a micro poem, micro fiction, or an original photograph inspired by the prompt and post it on twitter with #wispwrit.

On your blog:

Create a post with your poem, flash fiction, or original photograph inspired by the prompt. Make sure you link this post in your post and tag it with wispwrit.




A Mother’s Guilt – An Erased #Haibun


PeopleImages / Getty


I close my eyes. The guilt presses against my skull. Blood pounds the base drum in my ears. I try to breathe, but a noise pulls the trigger and rage convulses out of the monster‘s mouth. Their confusion shines through giant brown mirrors that reflect the ugly creature before them.


tears spill

moments slip away




press against

my eyes


until the monster

is no longer a giant

and the mirrors reflect

how I want to be



Erased haibun is a form I learned for #NaPoWriMo.

Submitted for this week’s open link night over at dVerse.




Autumn – Troiku

bare branches

a jungle gym for birds

wings all aflutter


bare branches                                                                   a painting against the blue sky
a painting against the blue sky                                          color drips to the ground
leaves under my feet                                                         gathering in piles

© Yozakura, the Wandering Spirit

leaves under my feet

a satisfying crunch

autumn symphony


© Caitiln Gramley



This attempt at a troiku is in response to Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation #31 Troiku … “bare branches”

A troiku starts with a base haiku, then you create three new haiku where each line of the base haiku is the first line in each of the new haiku.

I quite enjoyed learning this new form. 🙂

To learn more about troiku click HERE.