Dangerous Thoughts

photo by Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash


Sun meets the water

her dangerous thoughts linger

cheeks blush like the sky


sun kissed sea

cheeks blush like the sky





cheeks blush


Today’s poem was inspired by several prompts!

Three Line Tales

Wednesday’s Level UP Challenge

Haiku Month Challenge

Beth’s Dangerous Thoughts

Eugi’s “Blush

dVerse OLN

Everlasting Love

everlasting love

through sunshine or rain-

we wake up in the morning

and start the day new

©Caitlin Gramley


Today’s Haiku was written for Heeding Haiku with Chèvrefeuille on MLMM.

Also submitted for Open Link Night over at DVerse

#wispwrit #Writing #Challenge

For those of you who don’t know, over 3 years ago I started a Twitter writing prompt account “But A Moment” @wispwrit.

This was a one word prompt posted to inspire creativity.  I was, unfortunately, only able keep it going for a few months due to personal reasons (I now know it was because of my depression and OCD getting in the way).

But I am ready to get back into the writing community and I have started the #wispwrit challenge once again! For right now it is only on Saturdays, but I have a feeling I will add another day soon, as waiting a week for the challenge is killing me!

So how does this work?

Each prompt will consist of a word or idea meant to inspire you to write something. It can be micro poetry or micro flash fiction posted right on your twitter account. Make sure you create a new tweet with the hashtag #wispwrit.

Please don’t limit yourself to micro!

If you feel inspired to write something longer you can create a blog post (please create a pinback in the post so people know where the prompt came from), Then tag it with #wispwrit and share it on twitter!

Please be sure to follow @wispwrit to be alerted of new prompts.

I will also try to post them here for those who don’t have twitter to participate as well.



My mind

Holds onto fears

Folds them up and keeps them



I was born this way

But I can break this code


And freely live


Written for #wispwrit

Prompt: Born