Dangerous Thoughts

photo by Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash


Sun meets the water

her dangerous thoughts linger

cheeks blush like the sky


sun kissed sea

cheeks blush like the sky





cheeks blush


Today’s poem was inspired by several prompts!

Three Line Tales

Wednesday’s Level UP Challenge

Haiku Month Challenge

Beth’s Dangerous Thoughts

Eugi’s “Blush

dVerse OLN



that’s what they say

a day set aside


If only the thoughts would stop their fire

I shift my weight

I smile

I look forward


Eyes closed.


I stand

I sing

I sit

I listen









I stand

I sing

I smile

I leave




This is in response to the Tuesday prompt over at dVerse.




This is another #OCDPoem, a glimpse inside my brain on a typical Sunday.






Day 20 : The Truth is… Once in a while – A #Poem

Once in a while

I feel the need to escape

I want crawl out of my skin

and become something else

roam the wild

see what there is to see

be something different

if only for a little while

a break from being me


© Caitlin Gramley


This was written in response to two prompts: Quadrille #96: Wild Monday and Christine’s Daily Writing Prompt: Once




“The truth is” –  A daily post where I share a truth. It could be something personal, it could be something funny, or something totally random…you never know what you are going to get.

Sometimes I just feel like putting things out there…and here seemed like the best place to do it.



Day 13 : The Truth is… a #poem

just a moment of

weary-eyed conversation

before our eyes close

is all we can manage some days





“The truth is” is a new daily post where I share a truth. It could be  something personal, it could be something funny, or something totally random…you never know what you are going to get.

Sometimes I just feel like putting things out there…and here seemed like the best place to do it.

The Voice – a poem about #OCD before I knew it was #OCD

My OCD reared it’s ugly head when I was a teenager, but I never knew what it was until I was twenty-six. I stumbled upon this poem I wrote…I’m not sure how old I was, 16 or 17 maybe? It is a very poorly written poem with forced rhyming but it captured how tortured I was. Knowing what I know now and reading this it is so clear to me what was going on, that it was OCD. But back then all I knew of OCD was hand washing, cleanliness, and order. I had no idea that OCD could be thoughts of family dying because I did something wrong, or fear of touch, or repetitive routines that took hours, or horrible thoughts of violence.

I am sharing this poem not because I think it’s great, trust me I don’t. But because if I knew what OCD really was back then I could have gotten help earlier. I share about OCD and what it’s really like so I might reach someone who is suffering and help them see why. And by knowing why they can finally seek the proper help they need.

The voice

I am the voice inside your head.
Do this.
No. Do this,
or you might end up dead.

If you don’t do this,
your sister might die.
But if you do that,
someone might cry.

Make sure you check the stove,
before you leave the house
Because if gas leaks, it’s your fault
you stupid louse!

Don’t let people touch you.
Don’t let them get close.
Even though you want it,
you shall think it is gross.

You will never have peace
cuz I’ll always be there,
telling you to do things
cuz I really don’t care.

when you’re in a small room
and nothing is wrong
you will want to get out
you can’t be there too long.

To many people,
all in one place.
You start to breathe fast.
You become a nut case.

Maybe you’re crazy.
That’s what I think.
Now you think it too.
You are crazy and you stink.

I am the voice inside your head.
I will not rest until you are dead!